Picture via Crescent City Sports website

You read that right. Darrell Doucette in an interview said that he is better than Patrick Mahomes at flag football because of his football IQ.

“At the end of the day, I feel like I’m better than Patrick Mahomes because of my IQ of the game.”

Some notable accolades on Patrick Mahomes’ Resume:

  • 3-Time Super Bowl Champion / 3-time Super Bowl MVP
  • 2-time NFL MVP
  • 3-time All-Pro
  • 6-time Pro-Bowler
  • Record for highest average passing yards per game over a career

Some “notable” accolades on Darrell Doucette’s Resume:

  • Did not play college football, however did play intramural football in college
  • 2022 World Champion and tournament MVP of flag football
  • No wikipedia page

I’m not saying he isn’t good at flag football, but to say you are better than the best player currently on the planet… bit of an insane statement. However, he is getting his name out there, he is growing the conversation of flag football, and for that… job well done.

It’s going to be awkward when an NFL 3-stringer comes in and beats him out for the starting job on the Olympic team and he is going to have to face the facts that he isn’t better than the best player in the world, or even the 1,000th best QB in the world.

Till Next Time,

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