This Sunday, for the minimal fee of $2,641 (not including fees, price on StubHub), you can be a in attendance at the Super Bowl LVI in Los Angeles. Aside from the fact that I doubt you have a casual $2,641+ laying around to go see the game, and if you are from out of state, another few hundred dollars a night for a hotel room, another couple hundred for food, what about parking for the big game. 

Currently, you can find some passes in the range of well not even a range, you can find them for $5,000+. Yes, you read that right, but I’ll spell it out for you again. 

Five Thousand Dollars for parking passes. 

So not only do you have to break the bank just for a single ticket to the game, how about paying double the price of your ticket for a parking pass? I understand that the NFL is a business and that the Super Bowl is, well, the Super Bowl. The biggest event of the year, and a special event to attend. But at what point is enough, enough?

Now, I am not going to sit here and throw out ideas of how to change the prices of tickets to the game, because there will always be reselling of tickets for outrageous prices. But, it sucks that the days of a parent taking their child to the Super Bowl are long gone, unless you are pretty well off and can spend a casual 10K for 60 minutes of football. 

Moral of the story here is, if you have a driveway anywhere remotely near SoFi Stadium this weekend, might want to throw a sign up for parking there, you could make an easy $250+ per car.

Until Next Time, 

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Recent Comments

  1. Amen son! I couldn't have said it better myself. I wonder where this love of sports came from? Lol I'd…

  2. Not gonna lie, never noticed the bottom of the logo being the capitol. You’re a legend.

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