I don’t know who needs to hear this.

Just because you are going to a sporting event, of any kind, does not mean you have to show people you have sports clothing.

For example, you are attending the Seattle Seahawks game vs. Los Angeles Rams, in Los Angeles. There are two acceptable teams’ gear you can wear. Hint: they are both playing in the game you’re attending. Another example, let’s say you have tickets to the Baltimore Orioles vs. Miami Marlins game. Guess what the two teams you can wear to that game are? Hint: it’s 2 of the 30 MLB teams, and they are listed above.

Just because you are at an NFL game, doesn’t mean you need to show everyone you have an NFL jersey of a random player on a random team that isn’t playing in the game. It is acceptable for you to wear a player who was traded to another team, to a team you are seeing. Example: Kalil Mack Bears jersey at Los Angeles Chargers game, the team Mack now plays for.

There is no acceptable time for you to wear another SPORT’S attire to a different sport.
Dodgers at Rams game? Nope.
Bulls at Blackhawks game? Nope.
Barcelona soccer jersey at literally any other sporting event than a Barca game? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Like I said, I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you are being judged and talked about behind your back. No one there cares that you’re a “sports fan”, no one cares who your favorite team is if they aren’t playing, and most importantly you aren’t proving anything to anyone – no one thinks you know more than you do because you have a Premier League jersey on at a minor league baseball game.

If anything, people are making fun of you and saying:
“OhHhH LoOk iT’s A BiGgGg sPoRtS fAn”.

Till Next Time,

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Recent Comments

  1. Amen son! I couldn't have said it better myself. I wonder where this love of sports came from? Lol I'd…

  2. Not gonna lie, never noticed the bottom of the logo being the capitol. You’re a legend.

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