Happy Saturday.
The title says it all. Every two years (summer-winter alternate every two years, yes I know that each games is four years apart) we get to watch a whole bunch of sports that for four years between Olympic games you forget exist.

There is nothing better than cheering on the Americans in a sport that you can only assume is life size shuffle board on ice (it’s called curling for you uncultured swines, and it’s my favorite Winter Olympic sport). Or remembering that Michael Phelps is the greatest Olympian of all time, because no one remembers swimming is a sport for 4 years between.

I understand that the Olympics are no longer what it was, pitting countries and pride against each other on a global scale. But to some (me) it is still something of meaning, and a reason to support the USA and put the political divide aside for a few weeks. Just cheer on the USA.

These men and women have worked their entire lives to get to this stage, and just because I don’t kayak or bobsled, doesn’t make it dumb and pointless to watch. If anything, we should want to watch to learn something about a sport we might not know about.

And I don’t know who needs to hear this, but it doesn’t matter if they are the back-up on the badminton team or equestrian rider…they are OLYMPIANS and you aren’t. So they will forever have that on you.

Now, go watch some Skeleton and Speed Skating.

Till Next Time,


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Recent Comments

  1. Amen son! I couldn't have said it better myself. I wonder where this love of sports came from? Lol I'd…

  2. Not gonna lie, never noticed the bottom of the logo being the capitol. You’re a legend.

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